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  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Support disabled smart card QR codes and deeplinks
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Removed support of legacy QR codes and custom URL schema, removed support for TOTP
  • Made it possible for QR scanning to always return an error instead of showing a dialog


  • Improve NFC scanning experience
  • Improve SERMI flow
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Improved passport scanning user experience
  • Improved performance
  • Added support for wallet card logo and color customisations
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Improved Smart Card upgrade experience
  • Improved user experience in the Wallet screen
  • Added new text style: textLBold


  • Added Xcode 15.2 support
  • Improved IDK integration instructions
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Increased deployment target to iOS 15.0
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added colored animals error logging


  • Added One Time Verification with customization options to evidence upload flow
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added Turkish and Polish languages
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Improved Smart Card creation
  • Improved evidence upload
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


Version 1.0 marks an internal milestone. Though not much has changed since the previous release, our Integration Development Kit can no longer be considered a beta product. It is a full featured SDK you can integrate into your app for strong authentication, KYC, and qualified signing.

What's new: * Added Scan QR button to more screens * Added German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish languages * Improved session expiration and restoration * Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • New SERMI roles, which are able to share authorisations
  • Perform Firebase App Check every session
  • Disable ability to add new TOTPs
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixes and improvements in document NFC reading


  • Ask for consent to display the profile picture
  • Added support for resuming registration after payment
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added Scan QR button to the Wallet screen
  • Added French language
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added DigidentityIDKError DeviceNotSupported
  • Update ID card component with rectangular photo
  • Passports should always scan 2 sides
  • Bug fixes and improvements


  • Added support for biometric account recovery
  • Added support for invites with company external reference


  • Added support of biometric 2FA
  • Added service details screen in the wallet
  • Added list of supported countries in evidence selection flow
  • Improved document scanning flow
  • Removed selfie review screen from evidence upload flow
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Navigate to DiscoverServices when closing an unfinished invitation purchase
  • Improved error handling in multiple places
  • Fixed layout issues
  • Fixed wallet screen not always refreshing


  • Added support for Xcode 14.2
  • Adjusted some error display
  • Improved Login with PIN screen behaviour
  • Improved error handling in multiple places
  • Fixed iPhone 14 focus issues on some documents
  • Fixed purchase screen sometimes doesn't automatically close
  • Fixed button resize weirdly in MyServices


  • Changed screen structure for profile
  • Improved invitation flow purchase
  • Improved error handling
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Added support for invitation QR codes/deep links


  • Updated evidence upload instructions
  • Update instructions for Liveness Detection
  • Fixed user logout when registration is cancelled
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Added support of Xcode 14 / iOS 16
  • Added new error dialog "The product is not available in your country"
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Improved error handling
  • Prevent "smart card type not allowed" error during login
  • Remove unused feature flags
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixed crash when preparing required services during passwordless login
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Improved error handling during passwordless login
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Fixed crash during video capture


  • Prepare to handle new noInternetConnection error
  • Handle expired Smart Card authentication errors
  • Adjust selfie resolution to new standards
  • Increase deployment target to iOS 14.0
  • Use Firebase App Check when uploading evidences
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Skip the services list if a single service is available
  • Add "Forgot my PIN" link on login request, sign request and 2FA login request screens
  • Change error dialogs when trying to upload the same letter more than once
  • Support making photos with volume button
  • Added feature flags to the client secret
  • Added new feature flags
  • Change error reporting when the IDK is not properly configured
  • Change notification handling API
  • Stop generating bitcode
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Back to previous app after deeplink for passwordless login
  • Add 'lost access' link to several screens
  • Define priority of evidence and SDK by payload
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Limit liveness detection attempts to 5 seconds
  • Update smart card labels and icons
  • Update the rules of which products are shown in the services list
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Add "Contact customer service" button to different screens and dialogs
  • Fix user not able to cancel passwordless login flow
  • Skip the "Required services" screen if it only has 1 option
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Adjust UI styling
  • Remove unused feature flags
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Removed service scope API
  • Improve crashes traceability
  • Fix QR scan camera freezes
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Add "Forgot password" button in the login screen


  • Improve the intro screen layout in evidence upload flow
  • Improve passwordless login flow
  • Expose the request id in passwordless login flow result type
  • Fix selfie counter when retake the selfie
  • Other bug fixes and improvements


  • Use Form Sheets instead of Page Sheets
  • Small improvements in letter capturing
  • Adjust QR code scanner layout
  • Rebranding the UI
  • Support arm64-simulator architecture
  • Selfie mask improvement
  • Fix camera indicator remains active


  • Fix no profile refresh and relogin when session expires
  • Add selfie instructions to improve chance of success
  • Enforce PIN code rules
  • Block user from taking selfies if max attempt limit is reached
  • Show selfie tips after N failed liveness attempts
  • Fix profile doesn't refresh after creating Smart Card
  • Fix crash in PasswordlessLoginView
  • Remove level_of_assurance from sharable attributes
  • Change buttons in some attachments dialogs


  • Fix endless selfie tries, when it should stop


  • Allow swipe-to-dismiss with confirmation dialog
  • Fix services that are duplicate in the list don't show the icon
  • Remove support for utility bills and pay slips in evidence upload
  • Remove support for geolocation in evidence upload


  • Adjust error alert in profile screen
  • Add new attributes to login request with shared attributes
  • Fix 2FA entry confirming cancel does not close the flow


  • Improve text layout in account registration
  • Improve text layout in user profile
  • Improve text layout in account login
  • Improve text layout in login request
  • Fix selfie review crop does not match the initial guidelines
  • Use different text for intro for biometric selfie vs motion
  • Increase deployment target to iOS 13.0
  • Support No more signs available push notification
  • Improve TOTP dialogs
  • Remove support for unclaimed sign requests
  • Fix last selected Smart Card is not used
  • Fix passwordless login QR scan doesn't work from profile
  • Fix Smart Card creation from QR twice in a row produces invalid Smart Cards


  • Correct selfie aspect ratio
  • Use latest swift compiler in podspecs
  • Fix cancellation on some of the screens
  • Fix blocked Smart Cards are shown in other places then tab Authenticators
  • Improve Smart Card sorting
  • Handle new push notification for expiring Smart Cards
  • Fix passwordless login view will always fail after creating anonymous Smart Card
  • Introduce IDKLogger to be able to log down the navigation events
  • Add support for Xcode 13
  • Improve camera button
  • Change order of buttons in "Cancel upload" dialog
  • Enrich the Services lists with images


  • Limit number of liveness detection attempts


  • Fix margins on success screens
  • Fix text selection and cursor color
  • Fix after creating required Smart Card it is not selected for login
  • Perform Smart Card renewal after authentication (for profile screen)
  • Perform Smart Card renewal after authentication (for passwordless login)
  • Fix expired Smart Card state is set incorrectly
  • Fix Smart Card still shows 'expires after' after renewing


  • Fix missing text in screen with confirmation of Smart Card creation
  • Update icons and labels in the authenticator list
  • Update Smart Card list item design
  • Change the button order in confirmation dialog when cancelling QR scanning for another letter
  • Make all Smart Card items in authenticator list interactive
  • Update eSGN logo
  • Add footer string to login request screen with shared attributes
  • Sync Smart Cards on app resume


  • Fix order of evidence steps
  • Fix Smart Card requests should be opened modally
  • Improve accuracy of photo guidelines when taking manual pictures
  • Add Smart Card state synchronization
  • Fix text wrapping too early


  • Fix scanning QR for another letter, and QR is not recognized, the IDK flow closes
  • Remove web view for login
  • Increase deployment target to iOS 12.0
  • Add intro to delete and deactivate on Profile page
  • Add support of new Smart Card state values
  • Show dark mode logo in dark mode
  • Convert country code to country name in shared attributes
  • Add account deletion
  • Add account deactivation
  • Fix pressing 'Scan QR' button repeatedly crashes app