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Upgrade Guide

Upgrade Guide

Before upgrading, please check the notes below for all versions between your current build and the latest version. New versions of the IDK may require changes to avoid breaking APIs and current configuration.

Upgrade Guide iOS


New dependencies

There were new dependencies added to the IDK which require additional setup with Cocoapods. Please update the "post_install" script in Podfile according to updated instructions.


New customizable theme text style

In iOS IDK 1.18.0, the following text style was added:

  • textMSemiBold

Add it to your theme configuration file to customize it. By default it will have the same values as found in the example configuration.


New customizable theme text style

In iOS IDK 1.10.0, the following text style was added:

  • textLBold

Add it to your theme configuration file to customize it. By default it will have the same values as found in the example configuration.


In iOS IDK 0.46.0 we have removed the following functions and properties from the public API:

// iOS
   func qrScanEmbeddable(…)
   func registerMobileAuthenticator(…)
   func authenticatorsListScreen(…)
   func listAuthenticators(…)
   func openUserProfile(…)
   var sdkVersion: String
   var idkVersion: String

These functions/properties are not intended to be used directly by consumers. Please reach out to us if this affects your project and we will instruct you on how to recover these implementations.


New themed colors

New colors

In iOS IDK 0.44.0, the following colors were introduced: - smartCardItemBackgroundColor - smartCardItemBorderColor

Please make sure to define these colors. An example of the customizable style file can be found here.


App Check

In iOS IDK 0.39.1, Firebase App Check became a part of the IDK, making it more secure. Please refer to the iOS Setup documentation for further information.


Feature flags

In iOS IDK 0.38.0, feature flags became a part of the client secret. Please remove property list file idk_features.plist from application bundle and update your client secret. Also new feature flags have been added.

Handling IDK configuration errors

If IDK configuration fails it throws invalidInput error. The other IDK methods now check if the IDK instance is configured before executing. If the IDK is not configured it logs the error message to the console.

Handling OS notifications API

  • The onMessageReceived method became onRemoteNotificationReceived and now it features familiar success/failure callbacks. The new presentation callback is used instead of calling the IDKDelegate.
  • The onLocalNotificationReceived method also features the success/failure and the presentation callbacks.
  • The IDKDelegate.present(:) method was removed.

For detailed instructions see Handling notifications (iOS).


Feature flags

In iOS IDK 0.34.0 following feature flags were removed:


Mentioned feature flags are not supported anymore and corresponding features are always on.


In iOS IDK 0.33.0, a service scope was removed. For this reason, the following API is no longer available:

// iOS


New text styles

In iOS IDK 0.30.0, the following text styles were introduced: - iOSNavBarSmallTitle: Defines text style for small navigation title.

Please make sure to define these text styles. An example of the customizable style file can be found here.

New colors

In iOS IDK 0.30.0, the following colors were introduced: - textDestructiveColor - cardBackgroundColor - cardFooterBackgroundColor

Please make sure to define these colors. An example of the customizable style file can be found here.

Updated API

In iOS IDK 0.30.0, the following renames were performed: - IDKError -> DigidentityIDKError


Corner style

As of iOS IDK 0.28.0, corners can be independently styled for the following components: - buttonCornerRadius: Defines corners for all buttons, defaults to buttonBorderRadius for each corner - dialogCornerRadius: Defines corners for all dialogs, defaults to borderRadius for each corner - alertCornerRadius: Defines corners for all alerts, defaults to borderRadius for each corner - listItemIconSmallCornerRadius: Defines corners for small list item icons, defaults to 6pt for each corner - listItemIconLargeCornerRadius: Defines corners for large list item icons, defaults to 8pt for each corner

An example of the customizable style file can be found here.


ReadID colors are now configured automatically based on the configuration.json file. It is no longer necessary to define ReadID colors or assets in Assets.xcassets. Also, the setting ReadIDUI.resourcesConfiguration.customBundle should be removed.


Line Height Multiplier

In iOS IDK 0.26.0, lineHeightMultiplier was introduced to the theme configuration. Separate lineHeight per text style is now obsolete and can be removed. The new property lineHeightMultiplier should be defined in dimensions.

The following rules apply: - Line height is the height of a line inside a paragraph and is defined as fontSize * lineHeightMultiplier - Paragraph spacing is the distance between paragraphs and is defined equal to fontSize

An example of the customizable style file can be found here.

Upgrade Guide Android


New customizable theme text style

In Android IDK 1.10.0, the following text style was added:

  • textLBold

Add it to your theme configuration file to customize it. By default it will have the same values as found in the example configuration.


We have started integrating Jetpack Compose into the IDK and this requires the use of IDK Theme plugin 0.8.0. The new plugin has some new configuration. Please refer to Project setup section Compose code generation.


Exceptions are no longer singletons

From Android IDK 1.2.0 exception types are no longer singletons. This may break the code handling these exceptions. The following types are affected:

  • DigidentityIDKError.FlowCancelled
  • DigidentityIDKError.CameraPermissionDenied
  • DigidentityIDKError.EntityExists
  • DigidentityIDKError.ServiceRegistrationNotSupported
  • DigidentityIDKError.UserForgotPin


From Android IDK 0.58.0, every session is protected by Firebase App Check. As a result, the IDK calls the Google Play Integrity API more frequently than before and your app may begin to exceed the maximum allowed number of calls for Google Play Integrity's standard usage tier. If your app should be able to handle a peak usage of more than 10,000 sessions per day, please request a higher usage tier for Google Play Integrity API. See App Check setup for more information.


In Android IDK 0.57.0, the following exception was added: - DigidentityIDKError.FlowClosed, thrown when the user clicked the close button in the Scan QR flow


Changes to public API

In Android IDK 0.49.0, we removed the following functions and properties from the public API.

- DigidentityIDK.authenticatorsListScreen(…)
- DigidentityIDK.listAuthenticators(…)
- DigidentityIDK.registerMobileAuthenticator(…)
- DigidentityIDK.openUserProfile(…)
- DigidentityIDK.idkVersion
- DigidentityIDK.sdkVersion

These functions and properties are not intended to be used directly by consumers. Please reach out to us if this affects your project and we will instruct you on how to recover these implementations.

Firebase dependencies updated

In Android IDK 0.49.0, we have updated all firebase dependencies and migrated away from deprecated ML libraries. Please update firebase-bom to 31.2.0 and remove the dependency on firebase-ml-vision.

- implementation platform("")
+ implementation platform("")
- implementation ""

Default theme configuration

In Android IDK 0.49.0, you no longer need to specify every single theme resource in your configuration file. For each resource that's not specified in your configuration, the IDK will fallback to a default value.

Default values are the same as those in the example configuration.

New customizable theme colors

In Android IDK 0.49.0, the following colors were added:

  • smartCardItemBackgroundColor
  • smartCardItemBorderColor

Add them to your theme configuration file to customize them. By default they will have the same values as found in the example configuration.


Minimum Android version

In Android IDK 0.43.0, we increased the minimum SDK version to 28. We have dropped support for Android 8 for security reasons.

App Check

In Android IDK 0.43.0, Firebase App Check became a part of the IDK, making it more secure. Please refer to the Android Setup documentation for further information.

Configuration exception handling

If any of the public APIs is called within a DigidentityIDK class before the IDK was configured through DigidentityIDK.configure(...), a DigidentityIDKError.InvalidInput exception is now thrown instead of IllegalStateException.


Feature flags

In Android IDK 0.42.0, feature flags became a part of the client secret. Please remove overrides of feature flags in the application resources and update your client secret.


There's a breaking change in the DigidentityIDK.handleUri method's behaviour.

To enable Firebase Dynamic Links feature, please first enable the feature flag:

// Android
<bool name="idk_handle_dynamic_links" tools:override="true">true</bool>

Currently, DigidentityIDK.handleUri returns a Service intent, and that changes after the feature flag is enabled. From now on, DigidentityIDK.handleUri returns an Activity intent, so the client code has to use startActivity instead of the startService/bindService.

Removed unused feature flags

In Android IDK 0.38.0, the following feature flags were removed: - idk_handle_smart_card_creation - idk_handle_passwordless_login - idk_handle_create_totp

Please remove the overrides of these flags from your configuration.


In Android IDK 0.37.0, a service scope was removed, For this reason, the following API is no longer available:

// Android


New text styles

In Android IDK 0.34.0, the following text styles were introduced: - androidNumpadDigits: Defines text style for digits in the numeric pad keyboard.

Please make sure to define these text styles. An example of the customizable style file can be found here.

New colors

In Android IDK 0.34.0, the following colors were introduced: - textDestructiveColor - cardBackgroundColor - cardFooterBackgroundColor

Please make sure to define these colors. An example of the customizable style file can be found here.

Updated API

In Android IDK 0.34.0, the following renames were performed: - IDKResponse -> DigidentityIDKResponse - IDKException -> DigidentityIDKError - IDKException.UriActionNotSupportedException -> DigidentityIDKError.UriActionNotSupported - IDKException.UriNotRecognizedException -> DigidentityIDKError.UriNotRecognized - IDKException.FlowCancelledException -> DigidentityIDKError.FlowCancelled - IDKException.InternalFailureException -> DigidentityIDKError.InternalFailure