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External dependencies

The IDK relies on a number of external dependencies which require additional setup. Please make sure the project is properly configured to support the following:

Firebase App Check

The Digidentity platform uses Firebase App Check to protect backend resources from abuse. Please refer to the Firebase documentation to support this function in the project.

Firebase Cloud Messaging

The Digidentity platform uses Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notifications to mobile clients. First generate a private key file for your service account following these steps:

  • Go to Firebase page for your project
  • In the Firebase console, open Settings > Service Accounts.
  • Click Generate New Private Key, then confirm by clicking Generate Key.
  • Securely store the JSON file containing the key.

Please refer to the Firebase documentation to support this function in the project.

Please note that Firebase Dynamic Links is deprecated and not available for new Firebase projects, see documentation for more info. Instead, Digidentity Dynamic links must be used, as described in iOS and Android setup guides.

The Digidentity IDK uses Firebase Dynamic Links to support seamless and secure deep linking. Please refer to the Firebase documentation to support this function in the project.