Project setup (Android)¶
The IDK consists of two parts: the runtime library (which contains the main logic), and the Gradle plugin (which applies user-defined theming to the IDK UI). Both parts reside in Digidentity's Maven repository.
Maven repository setup for the runtime library¶
Using the dependencyResolutionManagement
block in the settings.gradle¶
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
maven {
url ''
credentials {
username = "username"
password = "password"
Using the allprojects
block in the build.gradle¶
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
maven {
url ''
credentials {
username = "username"
password = "password"
Note: JitPack is required for the IDK's transitive dependencies and must be explicitly specified.
Maven repository setup for the Gradle plugin¶
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
credentials {
username = "username"
password = "password"
dependencies {
classpath "com.digidentity:idk-theme-plugin:0.10.0"
Java/Kotlin setup¶
The IDK requires at least Java 11. For that please add the following lines to the module-level build.gradle:
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_11
kotlinOptions {
jvmTarget = '11'
Runtime library dependency setup¶
dependencies {
implementation "com.digidentity:idk:{idk-version}"
implementation platform("")
implementation ""
implementation ""
The IDK changelog can be found here.
Note: The IDK requires a set of Firebase libraries that must be explicitly specified. The example above contains a full list.
IDK theme Gradle plugin setup¶
Could be either:
plugins {
id 'com.digidentity.idk-theme'
IDKTheme {
sourceFile = "path-to-the-style-file.json"
apply plugin: 'com.digidentity.idk-theme'
IDKTheme {
sourceFile = "path-to-the-style-file.json"
depending on whether you use the Gradle Plugin DSL.
Compose code generation¶
Since version 1.4.0 we have started integrating with Jetpack Compose, which requires that the IDK Theme Plugin generates Compose theme classes. This is similar to how the plugin already generates XML theme files.
As this is still at an incubating stage you can turn off Compose code generation, see the below example.
When custom fonts are specified in your style file the plugin will generate code to load them from the R class. The default R class is the one from the project that is running the plugin, but if you use non-transitive R classes then you may need to specify the correct R class to use, see the below example.
IDKTheme {
sourceFile = "path-to-the-style-file.json"
* Whether the plugin should generate Compose code, true by default.
* If the generated code is not working for you, set this to false.
composeCodeGenerationEnabled = true
* Optional R class to use for referencing font resources.
* If not specified, the project's namespace will be used.
fontRClass = "com.example.myfonts.R"
Digidentity Dynamic Links setup¶
To resolve deeplink URLs into IDK flows, the IDK requires that the hosting app registers them as Android App Links. Please refer to Android App Links for the full documentation.
Create an activity to handle Digidentity Dynamic Links and forward them to the IDK to be handled.
class DigidentityLinkActivity : Activity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val digidentityLink =
if (digidentityLink != null) {
val handleUriIntent = DigidentityIDK.handleUri(
context = this,
uri = digidentityLink,
onSuccess = {
Log.i("DigidentityLinkActivity", "Successfully handled $digidentityLink")
onFailure = { idkError ->
Log.w("DigidentityLinkActivity", "Failed to handle $digidentityLink", idkError)
Next, override IDK resource string idk_digidentity_links_host with the domain name of the Digidentity Dynamic Links that are to be opened by your app.
<resources xmlns:tools="">
<string name="idk_digidentity_links_host" translatable="false" tools:override="true"></string>
And register the activity in your AndroidManifest.xml to open Digidentity Dynamic Links
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:scheme="https" />
Deferred Digidentity Links setup¶
When a Digidentity Dynamic Link is clicked or scanned before the hosting app is installed on the device it will open the link in a browser. A web page informs the user that the required app is not installed and provides a "Get it on Google Play" button. If the user continues to install and opens the app then the IDK can still open the link.
To support this scenario the hosting app needs to check if a deferred link is available and if so handle it. A good place to do this is in the activity that is registered as the Launching activity in the Android Manifest.
Deferred links are only available on the first run of the application after installation when the app has input focus.
class LauncherActivity : Activity() {
// ...
override fun onWindowFocusChanged(hasFocus: Boolean) {
// Due to Android security restrictions we only have access to the deferred link
// when the application has input focus.
if (hasFocus) {
val digidentityLink = DigidentityIDK.getDeferredLink()
if (digidentityLink != null) {
val handleUriIntent = DigidentityIDK.handleUri(
context = this,
uri = digidentityLink,
onSuccess = {
Log.i("LauncherActivity", "Successfully handled $digidentityLink")
onFailure = { idkError ->
Log.w("LauncherActivity", "Failed to handle $digidentityLink", idkError)
Push notifications setup¶
The IDK heavily relies on push notifications as a secondary communication channel, therefore they are an essential part of the setup.
Google Services Gradle plugin setup¶
Please include the following in the project-level build.config:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''
And on the module level apply the plugin:
apply plugin: ''
Please keep in mind that the google-services.json file must be placed in the proper location.
The last step is to link FCM token updates and messages to the IDK. In case of Kotlin that would be:
import com.digidentity.idk.DigidentityIDK
class MessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {
override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage) {
Log.i("MessagingService", "IDK handled remote message.")
{ error: DigidentityIDKError ->
Log.e("MessagingService", "IDK could not handle remote message.", error)
override fun onNewToken(newToken: String) {
In case of Java add the following class:
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import com.digidentity.idk.DigidentityIDK;
public class MessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public void onMessageReceived(@NonNull RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
() -> {
Log.i("MessagingService", "IDK handled remote message.")
(DigidentityIDKError error) -> {
Log.e("MessagingService", "IDK could not handle remote message.", error)
public void onNewToken(@NonNull String newToken) {
After that add the declaration of that service to your manifest file:
<action android:name="" />
Minification setup¶
If using optimisers (ProGuard or R8), add the following lines to your rules:
-keep class com.digidentity.sdk.** { *; }
-keep class com.digidentity.idk.** { *; }
-keep class com.digidentity.bioldsdk.** { *; }
Apps built with AGP 7.1.x or 7.2.x use R8 versions 3.1.x and 3.2.x and they are known to cause runtime crashes in our 3D renderer when optimization is enabled. If using R8 with optimization enabled, please ensure that R8 is version 3.3.70 or higher:
buildscript {
dependencies {
// upgrade R8 as workaround for crash in Digidentity’s 3D rendering code
// (not needed if you are using AGP 7.3.0 or higher)
classpath ''
App check setup¶
To protect backend resources from abuse, the IDK relies on Firebase App Check, which in turn relies on Google Play Integrity. Please refer to the Google documentation to support this function in the mobile app.
Google Play configuration¶
Enable Play Integrity on Google Play Console
- Go to App Integrity, open the Integrity API tab
- Link your app project with Firebase
- Consider raising your usage tier for the Integrity API.
Firebase configuration¶
The rest of the preparations are done in App Check section of Firebase console
Register your apps to use App Check with the Play Integrity provider:
- Under App Check, open Apps and for each application using IDK do the following:
- Select app and press Play Integrity.
- In the expanded section, attach the SHA hash of your signing certificate.
- Set TTL to 30 minutes.
- Save the changes.
After configuration is completed, IDK will be able to perform App Check. No code changes required.
Consider raising your usage tier for the Integrity API¶
Please assess if the standard usage tier of the Play Integrity API is enough for your app.
The Digidentity IDK performs an integrity check once per hour.
If you have a high number of daily active users and/or long user sessions
then you might exceed the standard limit of 10,000 daily API calls.
You can find more information at Integrity API usage tiers.
If you need to raise the usage tier then you can use the below answers to fill out the contact form for increasing the maximum number of daily requests:
Q. How are you calling the Play Integrity API?
A. third party service I'm using in my app is calling the API, please specify: Digidentity IDK
Q. What type of API calls are you making?
A. Classic requests
Q. How often will you call the API for each user?
A. Once per hour
Q. Is there any PII or SPII used for the nonce
A. No
Q. How are you validating Play Integrity API responses?
A. Other: Firebase App Check
Q. How does your app retry in case of Play Integrity API errors
A. Other: The user can retry manually
Q. How will your app act when the Play Integrity API detects risky traffic?
A. Deny access to functionality